Monday, December 19, 2005

Sexy Jewish Men (Jim)

Sexy Jewish Men 12/19/2005

I’m driving home from Lowe’s, and one guy, in a landscape crew, cleaning up a yard, has a yarmulke on. He’s not particularly attractive but not unattractive either, just average, yet he turns my head. I even stare in the rear view mirror till he’s completely out of sight. The other day it happened too as I drive down Briarcliff. I’m rushing somewhere, impatient for the light, and then I see the Jewish guy walk by reading, I assume his prayers. It transports me. I’m suddenly in a prayerful place myself, appreciating things. Imagine, saying his prayers right out in public. I muse that I’ll read the Bible, from cover to cover, this year.

That’s what it is, you know, I find their, wear it on your cuff, spirituality alluring. I know of no other people identified solely by their spirituality. I use to think they were strange because they were so different. But they give purpose to being different, so they aren’t lost in the crowd, so their not contaminated, where they forget who they are. A young gay guy in my CODA group recently converted to conservative Judaism, just for their strong sense of community, tradition and direction. They are the chosen, a people that set themselves aside for God. Cool! I like that. Don’t you too?

I’m suddenly fascinated by all their intricacies, the bushy sideburns, the beards, the strange foods, the traditions, Etc., Etc., Etc... Different for a reason. Isn’t that s e x y ?

What’s happening to me?


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